  • 福克斯波罗-IPM2-P0904HA-(3)

H929049B0500 以便在达到服务间隔时显示通知


📣宝贝型号: H929049B0500

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保持性定时器开启延迟脱离了Studio 5000中其他两个定时器的风格。当梯级为真时,H929049B0500 开始计数,但当梯级为假时,它不会复位。它保留它所累积的任何计数。一个简单的方法是,如果一台机器每运行100小时就需要维修一次。您希望计时器在运行时累计值,在不运行时停止累计,但保留计数,以便在达到服务间隔时显示通知。
H929049B0500 指令在其梯级变为真时开始计数。当梯级变为假时,它不会重置计数。当累计计数达到预设值时,它会触发Done位。
我们对RTO风格定时器的讨论要求我们处理一个可以在Studio 5000中的许多地方和容量中使用的指令。复位指令可用于复位任何类型定时器的计数,无论其处于计数周期的哪个阶段。当复位被触发时,它将相关定时器的计数复位为零。要将重置与您想要的计时器相关联,只需将计时器的标记名放入指令的标记中。
在这条逻辑线中,您可以看到我已经设置了一个H929049B0500 ,当用户点击一个按钮来告诉PLC,对于上面的RTO示例,服务已经完成时,就会触发这个Reset。

The delay in opening the retention timer deviates from the style of the other two timers in Studio 5000. When the step is true, H929049B0500 starts counting, but it does not reset when the step is false. It retains any counts it accumulates. A simple method is to repair a machine every 100 hours of operation. You want the timer to accumulate values during runtime and stop accumulating when not running, but keep the count so that notifications are displayed when the service interval is reached.

In logic diagram 4, the layout of RTO is similar to the previous two examples. When the motor is running and the steps are true, we start counting. When the motor stops running, the count remains unchanged while waiting for the next step to become true. When the count reaches the preset value, the Done bit becomes true.

The H929049B0500 instruction starts counting when its ladder becomes true. When the ladder becomes false, it does not reset the count. When the cumulative count reaches the preset value, it will trigger the Done bit.

Our discussion on RTO style timers requires us to handle an instruction that can be used in many places and capacities in Studio 5000. The reset command can be used to reset the count of any type of timer, regardless of which stage it is in the counting cycle. When the reset is triggered, it resets the count of the relevant timer to zero. To associate the reset with the timer you want, simply place the timer’s tag name in the tag of the instruction.

In this logic line, you can see that I have set up an H929049B0500. When the user clicks a button to inform the PLC, for the RTO example above, when the service is completed, this Reset will be triggered.


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