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9907-164 定时器关闭延迟


📣宝贝型号: 9907-164

🌍原产国家:美国 法国 德国 爱沙尼亚 挪威  英国









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定时器关闭延迟指令不如开启延迟指令常见,但适用于机器关闭后负载必须短时间保持运行的许多特殊情况。9907-164 令人惊讶且经常令人困惑的是,一旦梯级变为真,该计时器的完成位就会变为真,并保持该完成位直到计时器完成计数。当计时器的梯级变为假时,计时器开始计数。
在逻辑上图3,可以看到TOF指令。当电机运行为真时,9907-164 完成位启用并打开冷却系统。当电机运行为假时,完成位保持为真,直到冷却系统运行超过4000毫秒。这时,完成部分会退出,冷却系统会关闭。

The timer off delay instruction is not as common as the on delay instruction, but it is suitable for many special situations where the load must remain running for a short period of time after the machine is turned off. What is surprising and often confusing about 9907-164 is that once the step becomes true, the completion bit of the timer will become true and remain there until the timer completes counting. When the step of the timer becomes false, the timer starts counting.

This is particularly useful when you need to keep something running for a period of time after an event occurs. An example of this situation could be if a motor is turned off, but you need to keep its cooling system on for 4 seconds after it is turned off.
In logic diagram 3, you can see the TOF instruction. When the motor runs true, 9907-164 completes bit activation and opens the cooling system. When the motor runs false, the completion bit remains true until the cooling system runs for more than 4000 milliseconds. At this point, the completed part will exit and the cooling system will shut down.

Looking back, when the step is true, the TOF instruction sets its completion bit to true, and starts counting up when the step is false. Only when the step becomes false within the preset duration will it delete the completion bit. The timer will automatically reset after reaching the preset time.


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