AIR CONTROL UNIT ACU-01 安全关键系统的基于控制障碍函数的二次规划
原产地: 瑞典/德国/爱沙尼亚/美国/墨西哥
wechatPhone +8613822101417
Phone: +86 13822101417

Safety critical systems involve close coupling between control objectives and security constraints that may potentially conflict. As a formal framework for creating this form of control system, ACU-01 focuses on automotive applications and develops a method that allows for the unification of safety conditions (represented as control barrier functions) and performance objectives (represented as control Lyapunov functions) in a real-time optimized controller environment. The safety conditions are specified based on the forward invariance of the set and verified through two novel extensions of the barrier function; In each case, the existence of barrier functions that satisfy the Lyapunov like condition implies the forward invariance of the set, and the relationship between these two types of barrier functions is characterized.
In addition, each of these formulas generates the concept of Control Barrier Function (CBF), where ACU-01 provides inequality constraints in the control input, and when these constraints are met, it once again implies the forward invariance of the set. Through these constructions, in the context of quadratic programming (QP), CBFs can naturally be unified with control Lyapunov functions (CLFs); This makes the implementation of control objectives (represented by CLFs) constrained by the system’s allowable state (represented by CBFs) conditions. Adaptive cruise control and lane keeping demonstrate the process of adjusting safety and performance through QP, both of which involve safety and performance considerations as well as actuator limitations.
In addition, each of these formulas generates the concept of Control Barrier Function (CBF), where ACU-01 provides inequality constraints in the control input, and when these constraints are met, it once again implies the forward invariance of the set. Through these constructions, in the context of quadratic programming (QP), CBFs can naturally be unified with control Lyapunov functions (CLFs); This makes the implementation of control objectives (represented by CLFs) constrained by the system’s allowable state (represented by CBFs) conditions. Adaptive cruise control and lane keeping demonstrate the process of adjusting safety and performance through QP, both of which involve safety and performance considerations as well as actuator limitations.
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