DI810 3BSE008508R1 输入模块
部件型号:DI810 3BSE008508R1
原产地: 瑞典/德国/爱沙尼亚/美国/墨西哥
To run a continuously changing animation sequence, the system processor needs to do more work (Table 6). DI810 3BSE008508R1 User actions during each frame now include updating the font RAM for each MAX6952 or MAX6953, as frame data is constantly changing rather than being stored permanently (once) as before. However, the time synchronization of consecutive frames is still controlled by the flashing clock of the MAX6952 or MAX6953 driver. Similarly, the processor only needs to send a data packet at a certain time during each flashing stage. As mentioned earlier, the data package contains 4 words of numerical data, plus 20 words of font data.
When faced with interface speed limitations, it is worth exploring the size limitations of graphic displays (Table 7). DI810 3BSE008508R1 This table displays the theoretical maximum display size of a serial interface when running a continuous animation sequence at maximum bit rate. The actual limit will be at least slightly lower (or possibly much lower) than the theoretical limit, depending on the background processing that the processor must perform and whether the serial interface is hardware synchronized serial port or bit collision I/O.
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