CLSR-33-N2CE-1 累计数字向用户显示它在当前计数中的位置
No matter how long it takes, as long as the timer instruction is valid, the CLSR-33-N2CE-1 enable bit is true. When the timer is performing a timing operation, the timer timing bit is true. When the timer count reaches its preset value, the Done bit becomes true. The preset is an input that allows the user to “set the duration of the timer” before completion. Finally, the cumulative number displays its position in the current count to the user.
Another noteworthy feature is the so-called time base. Time base refers to the unit in which the timer increments its count. CLSR-33-N2CE-1 is always counted in milliseconds in Studio 5000. There are no other options. Other programs may allow you to change the time base. In the productivity suite (through Automation Direct), you can choose milliseconds, seconds, minutes, or hours. In RSLogix500, you can choose a time base of 100 seconds, 10 seconds, or 1 second.
Each instruction we will discuss uses these bits in different ways to create different results, which you can use in your program.
CLSR-33-N2CE-1 shows the TON instruction in logic diagram 2. Because I used a normally closed (also known as Example If Open or XIO) instruction before it, the timer starts counting up every time it is not completed. When it continues counting until 5 seconds, the timer activates the completion bit. In the next scan of the program, as the timer is activated before it starts, the PLC will immediately shut down the timer, reset the timer, and trigger a brief pulse in the coiler system. On the next scan, the Done bit will close and the timer will start counting again to 5000. In other logic, timers can be activated by temperature sensors or buttons. Triggering and resetting are determined by the running mode of the program.
When the step is true, the TON instruction starts counting up, triggers the Done bit when it reaches the preset, and resets the count to zero when the step is false.
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